Our Business Games 2023-10-17T12:56:01+02:00

What they are

Our Business Games are innovative, engaging and unconventional managerial tools that allow to reproduce the dynamics and logics of a specific business scenario.

The participants, grouped in teams, face a common competitive situation in order to stimulate the application of their problem solving, creativity, strategic analysis and decision-making skills.
Each team leads a virtual company, implementing a competitive strategy, with the aim to maximise the market value of the company.

Business Game is composed of a number of rounds (from 3 to 6): each round simulates six months of operability of the company on the market. Round by round, an analysis and comparison process characterizes the decision-making activities.
We believe that the best learning takes place by doing.

How Business Games Work

The participants are grouped in teams of from 3 to 5 members. Teams can be composed according to different criteria: heterogeneity of skills, belonging to the same course of study, candidates for the same job position, etc. Alternatively, it is possible to map the skills of the participants and compose “ad hoc” teams through the Skillgame.
Facilitator explains the simulation scenario to the participants (live or online), highlighting its main elements: market demand, customer sensitivity, strategic choices, KPIs and success indicators. Before to start, facilitator provides the teams with the information about the access to the dedicated platform and the timing of the simulation rounds.
The teams start the simulation rounds, live or online, making decisions about their strategy. When all the teams confirm their strategic choices through the web interface, the simulator calculates the results. Each simulation is composed of from 3 to 6 rounds. Facilitator supports the teams round by round.
At the end of each round, the facilitator analyzes the results of the simulation, showing the ranking and underlying the strengths and weaknesses of the teams. The Q&A session starts. The participants can check the results through the web interface in order to modify/change their strategy for the next round.
It is possible to insert “unexpected events”, round by round, in order to change the original scenario and stimulate the problem solving of the participants.
At the end of the last simulation round, the final debriefing starts and the Facilitator announces the winning.

Our Business Games

Digital Start Up

General Management


Start Up

Eco Design


Cultural Events

Energy Management

Human Resources

Start Up – single player

Business Games increase the level of:

Awareness 93%
Engagement 93
Problem Solving and Decision Making 96
Initiative 95
Team Working 97
Self Motivation 98
Resilience 95
Communication and Collaboration 91
Flexibility 94
Leadership 92%

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